Monday, April 9, 2012

The Darn Weather

The weather is turning here in Tasmania.  Rain, hail and wind - it's been a good time to have a wind generator on your boat.  We've been in one anchorage through it all - visiting with friends, taking the kids on the occasional foray to the beach and staying warm.

The first night we were here it was really breezy - average wind speed 30 knots or more, wind shifts, all that.

It was Friday, and there were a dozen boats in the anchorage.  And, just as you'd expect, two boats dragged anchor.  One wrapped its chain around another boat, while the other drifted away peacefully, its anchor light growing remarkably distant before the crew finally woke up and re-anchored.

I always hesitate to comment on other people's bad anchoring moments for fear of jinxing us.  But this time I was really impressed by how unnecessary it all was.  If you have a boat in Tasmania, and head out on a night with 30-knot winds forecast, wouldn't you think you'd have anchoring more or less figured out?  It's not like there's anything much to it: use a big anchor, use a good anchor, use lots of chain, put your engine in reverse to set the anchor.  And you're done.

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