So, of course we crossed the equator on this recent passage from South Africa to the Caribbean. It was our third crossing. And the increasing maturity of our crew is marked by the changing way that we celebrate crossing the line.

This was our first crossing, on
Pelagic in the Pacific in 2008. None of us have crossed the line under sail before, so we have no
shellbacks among us to preside as King Neptune. Elias is standing in, as befits an occasion where the normal maritime hierarchy ought to be reversed.

And this was our second crossing, on
Galactic in 2011. That of course is your faithful correspondent as Neptune. This time around, it was only Eric who was initiated into that select fraternity of those who have sailed across the equator.
But! Look what happened when we crossed this time. We had a dance party. Before too long the boys will be joining us in the ceremonial tot of rum.
Congratulations, party on!